The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Biden’s mammoth education agenda would expand the federal role from cradle to college

Plan aims to reduce inequities by infusing hundreds of billions of dollars into virtually every level of the education system

April 21, 2021 at 8:00 a.m. EDT
President Biden and Vice President Harris at a news conference last month. (Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post)

The federal government has long been a bit player in education. Under an expansive vision being rolled out this spring by President Biden, that would change.

Biden has proposed — or is expected to propose — a half dozen education programs that would constitute the largest federal investment in education in at least a half century. Any one of them would be significant on its own. Taken together, if approved by Congress, they form a cradle-to-college plan that aims to reduce inequities that course through American schools by infusing hundreds of billions of dollars into virtually every level of the system.